The Best Treatment with the CBD Oil

The Best Treatment with the CBD Oil


Every year, more and more people suffer from civilization diseases, so many patients and doctors use hemp extracts to support or supplement treatment. Unfortunately, it often happens that they do not know which CBD oil to choose. The documented medical value of CBD oil in the field of anti-inflammatory, anti-shock or analgesic properties is a hope for many patients. CBD hemp oil is able to relieve symptoms and support the treatment of most health problems, but it is important that it is properly selected for the type of disease.

What to look for when choosing CBD oil?

Various products containing CBD are available on the market, which differ significantly in the composition and concentration of active substances. When choosing a CBD extract, it is worth determining the appropriate dose of the preparation, the way of taking it and our relationship to the price vs quality relationship. Before purchasing, you should also choose the method of extraction and verify the certificates and safety of the oil.

Selection of CBD oil concentration

Choosing hemp extract should first of all verify the dose of the actual CBD. This is important because the labels of products usually include information about the weight of the final product, i.e. the whole oil and its concentration. Cannabinoids should be treated as other medications, taking a regularly determined dose of CBD per day. With 15% and 3% CBD oil, we know that one drop of 15% oil equals 5 drops of 3% oil. The CBD dose is the same, however, the distribution or concentration of doses may affect our well-being and treatment effects.

Frequency of consumption when choosing a given concentration of CBD oil

Bearing in mind the appropriate dose of CBD for us, we can go on to determine our preferences for taking it. There are various schools and routes to take cannabinoids. Some patients choose more concentrated CBD oils, e.g. 10 – 15%, to be able to take them less often, without having to remember to take the next doses. Others prefer products with lower power, e.g. 2-5%, which they take every few hours, thus maintaining the CBD level at a relatively constant level. It’s best to try different methods of taking on yourself to choose the optimal form of treatment.

On the one hand, higher concentrations of oils translate into an economical consumption of extract, because the price per milligram CBD is lower, but you cannot combine high concentration with greater efficiency. In addition, the higher the concentration of CBD, the lower the remaining cannabinoids, e.g. CBDa, CBG or CBC, whose presence supports the complexity of therapy. Visit  for more on this.

CBD oil selection: Price vs quality

Both the extraction methods and the cultivation method can contaminate hemp oils with heavy metals, solvent residues or pesticides. It is important to read the laboratory results analyzing all the ingredients of cannabis oil before purchasing. Ideally, the test should be carried out by a third party and not by the oil producer. In terms of quality, attention should also be paid to certificates confirming the presence of cannbinoids and those confirming the cultivation free of GMOs and pesticides. Higher price of the extract does not guarantee its highest quality, however, taking into account the effectiveness of treatment, we should not save by choosing an uncertain producer, only because of the lower price. Click here to choose the right CBD oil.
