How to Help Girls with ADHD Build Healthy Friendships

How to Help Girls with ADHD Build Healthy Friendships


Like adults, kids have to build healthy friendships. Do you know why? Building a solid friendly doesn’t just help them with their growth. It also helps them understand themselves better and develop their social skills, group dynamics, and skills for solving problems. Unfortunately, only a few youngsters are innately socially adept. This is especially true for girls with ADHD.

A girl child who is hyperactive and impulsive might find it more challenging to accept or share when they don’t get what they want. To their peers, they might be combative or even seem immature. This, in turn, makes girls with ADHD feel rejected, exhibiting flight behaviors or lack social abilities. In addition, their self-worth can greatly suffer when friendship becomes more problematic as they value relationships a lot.

Luckily, as a parent, you can make some difference in your child’s life. Here are some of the ideas and strategies that can help you achieve that:

1. Consider Coaching

At-home support should be the first thing to give your daughter with ADHD. You can provide this support in several ways. First, incorporate sharing as well as taking turns when having fun as a family. Second, consider role-playing to practice different techniques of solving conflicts. Third, use a social script that kids rehearse with parents to improve your daughter’s social skills. Last but not least, be your child’s role model by talking politely.

2. Look for Organized and Nice Extracurricular Activities

Not every girl child is created the same, so look for well-organized extra-curricular activities, like theater, choir, and clubs. Aim for all the activities your daughter excels and enjoys. With this, she will be able to socialize with other girls with the same interests; thus, increasing their overall confidence.

3. Schedule Playdates

Even if your child has found an activity she loves the most, it will still be important to provide some help. If your little princess finds it difficult to fit in, look for other kids she can easily get along with, then schedule playdates and include the activity your daughter loves. According to Dr. Rooney, PhD it will be far better to keep the playdates short and well-organized.

4. Practice When Having a Playdate

According to Mary Rooney, PhD, organizing playdates is the best way to help your daughter with social problems. To organize a playdate, you will have to discuss with your kid what it means to be a great host and let her choose a few games to play. In addition, get to know what your daughter will do to know whether her guests enjoy themselves and then talk about the experience after the playdate. This will help to develop their confidence and self-worth.

5. Work with Her Teacher/Instructor

Chances are, her teacher might have seen how your daughter interacts with other children and identify the problems she faces. So, it can help a lot to work with your daughter’s instructor to iron things out. Her instructor might even suggest a few classmates you can organize a few playdates with and form a suitable companionship for a group project.

In conclusion, building and maintaining a healthy relationship won’t be easy for you and your daughter. But as a parent, you need to use these strategies we’ve discussed to help your child and show them the value of creating healthy friendships.
