7 Techniques of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy

7 Techniques of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy


Cognitive behavioral therapy is a form of psychotherapy that changes your thinking patterns positively. It is based on the idea that thinking impacts your emotions and behavior. The therapist uses effective techniques to enhance your mental health and thought patterns. The methods are numerous and depend on your needs and treatment approach.

Check out the seven techniques of cognitive behavioral therapy

1. Journaling

The therapist can get the information they need by asking them to jot down the negative beliefs that come up during the week. The technique helps to gather data about your moods and thoughts.

A cognitive behavioral therapy journal can include the time of the mood, the source, the extent, and how you reacted. The best anxiety and trauma therapy in London will use the technique effectively to identify thought patterns and emotional tendencies and change, adapt or cope with them.

Additionally, the therapist can give you homework. The assignments help you to develop new skills and strategies in real-world situations. Also, it will help you to deal with social problems that might trigger a relapse.

2. Cognitive restructuring

After identifying a distortion, you can explore how it took root and why you believe it. You’ll begin to challenge the destructive belief and try to create a new feel. Cognitive restructuring allows you to take an opportunity to think about acquiring the right ideas that you may not have explicitly developed.

3. Unraveling cognitive distortions

Unravelling cognitive is a powerful technique you can practice with or without a therapist. You’ll need to identify the distortion you suffer from unravelling cognitive distortions.

4. Nightmare exposure and rescripting

Nightmare exposure and rescripting aim to help those suffering from nightmares. The technique is elicited to bring up the relevant emotions. After a feeling has risen, you and the therapist will work together to identify the desired emotion. Also, you’ll develop a new image to accompany that desired emotion.

5. Playing the script until the end

The technique is ideally helpful if you’re suffering from fear and anxiety. In this technique, you conduct a thought experiment in which you’ll imagine the outcome of the worst-case scenario. Allowing the scenario to play out helps you recognize that everything you fear comes to pass, and the result is manageable.

6. Progressive muscle relaxation

Progressive muscle relaxation instructs you to relax one muscle group at a time until your whole body is relaxed. You can use audio guidance or your mind to practice the technique. It is ideal for calming your nerves and soothing a busy, unfocused mind.

7. Relaxed breathing

Relaxed breathing is a familiar technique to practitioners of mindfulness. You can bring regularity to your breath using guided and unguided imagery, audio recordings, video and scripts.

The method allows you to approach your problems from a place of balance, facilitating more effective and rational decisions. You can practice it with or without the guidance of a therapist. It helps those suffering from various mental illnesses like anxiety, depression, and panic disorder.


Cognitive behavioral therapy is ideal for treating various issues like anxiety, depression, and anger. It uses effective techniques to identify, change, cope or adapt to problems. The above methods are the most common and work perfectly for you and the therapist.
